Over 35 years of Independence since 1975, traditional values has not got loosen it's grip in the lives of Bulekia people of Marawaka District.
Road access is totally denied due to high rugged and terrain mountains. The chosen political leaders have not been maintaining the existing run-down basic government infrastructures such as schools and health services. All government grants were diverted into personal activities and were not accounted for. Thereby, living the poor remote areas without proper services.
Bulekia area is such an area enveloped by high rugged mountains. To get there or out to towns and cities is by way of small airplanes. Thus you can see that lives have not changed dramatically overnight.

Permanent wire bridges were major concern expressed by the remote community of Marawaka District to enable long and sustainable bridges to access to shcool and health clinics. Primary school students and health patients have to travel long distance of over 3-6 days walk on foot before reaching the day clinic or primary schools. Often bridges are washed away by high floods as they are made of bush materials. Though neglected by the modern world, tradition has made this areas a place better than towns and cities. However, who will then help this people? this has been sore cries of the remote people of this area.

Coffee is the lifeblood source of income for this community. Often coffee bags have to be transport by land through walking over a distance of 3-6 nights of walk to nearest Airstrip that can be exported to towns (Goroka). Even to the extremes, coffee bags are then carried over following bush tracks through to Okapa District (usually takes 2 weeks) then from there on take PMV cars to Goroka to sale coffee bags. Unfortunately life is of pain and suffering after travelling long distance even cause death.
More of this will be coming on this blog and I encourage you to keep visiting. If you care enough, please contact me donate today to make a difference for this my people.